AllyKatzz is a social networking site that features teen and tween girl bloggers. They're looking for nominees for their A.L.L.Y. Awards. (I'm not really sure what A.L.L.Y. stands for, but let me know if you find out when you visit their site -- which is pretty cool actually. It's a little too pink for me -- but it does have a lot of black too, so it evens out.)

The Awards are going to be presented on August 11 and they honor girls who've worked to help bring about positive change in the world. In other words: Real World F.G.s!

Here are some former winners, to inspire you:

Lulu Cerone: Visit her blog, LemonAID Warriors, where she gives advice and help to kids who want to run their own fundraiser.

Shannon MacNamara: Her organization, Share in Africa, is about empowering girls in Africa through education.

Katie Stagliano: She's got a bunch of gardens and donates the crops. She wants other kids to do this too. You can find out more at her website, Katie's Krops.

That's a lot of real world magic. If you've spun some similar magic of your own, go to the AllyKatzz site and nominate yourself. And let me know if you're picked!